This last month I got to do a family photo session for some of my favorite people. The Taylor family is kind, welcoming, and some of my dearest friends. They are our neighbors across the street and I love that our kids are going to grow up together.
I truly believe that God planned for us to be friends long in advance. Anna (the mom) prayed for 3 years that someone who loved Jesus, was interested in owning farm animals and who were a foster family like them, would move into the neighborhood. Where as I had been praying for friendship and community when I moved to Oklahoma. Our families hit it off immediately after we moved in and now they feel like extended family.
One of the things I love most about them, is how they love to play with their kids. They all desire and enjoy to be together. Anna and Johnny are always up for adventures with their kids. Whether it be a random water balloon fight or a spontaneous game of tag at a family photo session, they are apart of it. It was a joy to capture the love they all have for each other!

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